checking in...
October 17, 2008I'm a bad person and a bad blogger. I don't have time for one of the things that I like the most... like writing on my blog and enjoy creative time with my stash. It took me a while to come back and post something and I apologize for my slow moves. My friend told me if I want her to visit my blog I need to be more active and she is right:) So, I am trying to do my best and post something once a while. I wish I could find time to post something every day. I have a lot of material that is waiting to be seen:)) But, as you know probably yourself there are always other more important things to do. Don't get me wrong. Blogging is really important but I finish one thing and 1000 of others are waiting for me.
But, enough of complaining and back to really important stuff like spending time with writing about crafty me:) How about some October leaves? You must admit that fall is gorgeous!!! So many colors and the great fresh breeze and smell of fall!!! I wish I had my dogs here in Michigan (where I currently live) with me to take a walk trough the forest now.