I did it again! I am a bad, bad blogger:( I am so sorry for not posting for a while but I've been busy lately with my work and my school and blah, blah, blah:) Well, who is not?! I know I could find a little time to write something and post couple pics. But, everytime I came home I was so exhausted that I crashed on the couch in front of TV and fell asleep. Isn't that lovely?! At least I found time to make some creative stuff:) Here are couple pictures of my other flower arrangements...

Today, I don't have anything much to show you as I am really busy this week - well, at least nothing that is new:)I hate when I don't have time for anything I really enjoy. I made these tags for the Valentine's day weeks ago. They express love the simple way:) For the top tag I cut the black hearts out of a perfume brochure that was presenting it in many words connected with love. So, I just cut out hearts with my punch with the words I liked and sew them to the paper. The bottom tags are really simple too. I used the bunny punch and also heart punch and underlined the shapes with a piece of different pattern papers. How simple is that?:)

I promised you to show better pictures of my new card. I will show you actually 2 new ones. I just love my idea with the fruit net and the metal mesh so I am getting crazy about making hearts out of it. I think I need to concentrate on different projects and put aside the heart topic for a while:)))

In both projects I used the Fiskars embossing system ScrapBoss I got from my future mother in law. She definitely knows what I like:) I used the Scrapboss for the frame on the 1st card but in the 2nd one the embossing is more visual. I love this stuff just because it is easy to use and it has a great effect. All those hearts you can see on the base were made with it. Lovely tool!

In both projects I used the Fiskars embossing system ScrapBoss I got from my future mother in law. She definitely knows what I like:) I used the Scrapboss for the frame on the 1st card but in the 2nd one the embossing is more visual. I love this stuff just because it is easy to use and it has a great effect. All those hearts you can see on the base were made with it. Lovely tool!
This is my new addition to the heart family. I am getting ready for the mother's day! I know I am pretty early but usually I am late with that kind of stuff. This time I decided I'll get ready in advance, two months in advance. To celebrate the special day I made these fabric hearts to sell in my mom's store. I posted a pic of three others few days ago and this is my 2nd batch of hearts. I thing they came out pretty good, and they smell so gooooood because they are stuffed with star anise.
Birds are great models! Parrots, especially, are so much fun and it's even better when you can use a piece of them in your creations:) Well, don't get bad ideas:))) This is my old picture - my first and last try to paint with acrylics years ago. I used feathers from my little parrot - Yes - only feathers (I told you not getting bad ideas). He didn't suffer at all I guarantee you! This is a great way how to recycle feathers though, lost feathers I found on the bottom of the cage. I like painting but I don't think I have the patience for it:(
I received my two prices I won recently in one day!!! I was so trilled about it! I love to get presents, especially, in the mail:))) There is something exciting about it, I guess it is the 'smell' from traveling or what:). So, the first package was from Get Eurofied!, which is a sample box of products that are made by European artists and craft-makers. Take a peak...

So many goddies!

The 2nd package came all over from Australia! It was a blogcandy I won from Bec over at BizzyBec. She is such a sweet person! She send me an extra present - one of her lovely stamps. I love stamps as you know and I am so happy my collection is growing, he-he. Look at this great stuff I got! Can't wait to create something out of it:)

And, a little note that was attached:)

Hey Bec, I will definitely use it well:)
So many goddies!
The 2nd package came all over from Australia! It was a blogcandy I won from Bec over at BizzyBec. She is such a sweet person! She send me an extra present - one of her lovely stamps. I love stamps as you know and I am so happy my collection is growing, he-he. Look at this great stuff I got! Can't wait to create something out of it:)
And, a little note that was attached:)
Hey Bec, I will definitely use it well:)
Happy belated Valentine's day to everybody! Hope you enjoyed it in a proper way. My Valentine's day was a working day for me as I was helping out my mom in her store. Actually, the whole weekend was busy for me. Today, I was out making a short movie project with my friends for one of our classes. This is the way how to make the Project Management class more enjoyable. It was so much fun! I might show it to you later when it's done. So, I am posting little bit late folks, hopefully you forgive me. I have great pics for you to share though. The top picture is my today's found while I was making dinner. Potatoes in a shape of heart on the Valentine's day. Now, that I call symbolism! I also was working on the fabric hearts that were made for my mom's store to sell and the card as well.
I was just going through my old stuff from high-school and stumbled over my old 'art-pieces'. I was so proud of them back there:) I guess now I am not anymore because I am hiding it in my closet all covered in dust. But now, when I found it again I would like to show you what was I creating back than.
Here are my jewelery pieces. I was into making jewelery a lot at that time. I was planning to study it at the university. These blue sets, necklace with bracelet, made out of plexi-glass were one of my final projects at the high school.
This creation is a ring made out of the metal top from a can. Lovely recycling:)))
And, these two guys are from the 2nd year at the art school I believe. The topic was to create different reliefs.
That's all from me for now, let me know how you like my pieces:)
Here are my jewelery pieces. I was into making jewelery a lot at that time. I was planning to study it at the university. These blue sets, necklace with bracelet, made out of plexi-glass were one of my final projects at the high school.
This creation is a ring made out of the metal top from a can. Lovely recycling:)))
And, these two guys are from the 2nd year at the art school I believe. The topic was to create different reliefs.
That's all from me for now, let me know how you like my pieces:)

1. My only love of my life, Darren. Thank you for always being there for me, I love you!
2. All my friends and my family. Where would I be without you, I love you all guys!
3. My two dogs, who make me happy every day.
4. My crafting, that I would never give up in my whole life:)))
5. My camera through which I can stop the time
And, here are my nominations
1. Marianne who is a great person, a great artist, and whose work is an inspiration to me.
2. Mel over at MelStampz who wrote about me so nicely and boost the number of visitors at my blog. She has really wonderful blog.
3.Mina at Pinkpuds who is so nice to me in her comments and makes wonderful cards.
4. Bec from Bizzy Becs who send me a wonderful blogcandy and wonderful stamp as an extra gift all over from Australia.
5. Inka from Inkastamps who designs wonderful stamps
Congratulations Ladies on the Life is Grand Award! You all are my great inspiration and I'm glad I have the opportunity to meet you at least through your blogs:))
Do you like flowers? I love them, especially tulips and a lots of them:))). But, the trouble is that they are done after couple days. So, how about flowers that can stay with you for a while?
It wasn't any cardmaking that I was busy with lately but couple floral decorations that we were making for our store. The arrangements are made mostly from artificial and dry flowers and I decide to show you couple of the bouquets that were finished for now.The pictures are not that great as I was in hurry but at least you have an idea how they look. Hope you like them:) Have a great week, the weekend is coming soon!!! Just 5 more days:)

I just won blogcandy from Mel!!! Her blog Mel Stampz is so lovely and her projects are really inspirational. I love all her step by step instructions for all of her creations and she also offers own templates that are very helpful and for free! You should definitely check it out:)))
My love had birthday in January, and I made a card for him. I couldn't show it to you earlier to not to spoil the surprise for him. Now, when he got it (it went on a long trip from Slovakia to US) I can show you how does it look like:)
I love dogs and Darren likes beer and here is the outcome, he-he. I used dimensional dogie stickers that were lying in my drawer for a while and finally I decided to use them. The same with the beer sticker that I bought... jesus... like 6 year ago. Wow, I need to inspect my drawer more often:)).
Also, I found use for the clear plastic pearls I got from my mom. She got them in the flower warehouse - there is so much cool stuff to find!!! I love to go there with my mom but she rather goes by herself ( I just buy to much stuff, ha-ha). The pearls are flat from one side, so, it is easy to attach it to whatever you want. I used them to represent beer bubbles:)))
The brown ribbon is from Martha Stewart and it is self-adhesive (everything self-adhesive is smart). The metal embellishment is from the patchwork store in Center Harbor, NH, and the bubble letters as well as the dogie sticker are from Walmart. I don't even remember where I got the blue background paper. I am glad I had it though:)) Happy Birthday honey!!!
I love dogs and Darren likes beer and here is the outcome, he-he. I used dimensional dogie stickers that were lying in my drawer for a while and finally I decided to use them. The same with the beer sticker that I bought... jesus... like 6 year ago. Wow, I need to inspect my drawer more often:)).
Also, I found use for the clear plastic pearls I got from my mom. She got them in the flower warehouse - there is so much cool stuff to find!!! I love to go there with my mom but she rather goes by herself ( I just buy to much stuff, ha-ha). The pearls are flat from one side, so, it is easy to attach it to whatever you want. I used them to represent beer bubbles:)))
My pile of Valentine's cards is growing bigger:)). This one probably reminds you on my previous project with metal mesh and plastic net from fruit I just recently posted about:)). Well, you are right:) The trick is the same, just this time I used orange net and mesh for the heart, couple dimensional letters, and green, tissue paper.

I always wanted to use the pipe cleaners in my projects. They are so fluffy and so easy to form. So, I formed a heart out of a red one, very cute:) Then, I just added piece of canvas ribbon I found in our basement ( my mom has a lot of treasure down there, ha), attached the heart, and spelled 'be mine' out of rub-on letters I got at Wallmart, and the card is ready to go:)) So, who wants to BE MINE?:)

I always wanted to use the pipe cleaners in my projects. They are so fluffy and so easy to form. So, I formed a heart out of a red one, very cute:) Then, I just added piece of canvas ribbon I found in our basement ( my mom has a lot of treasure down there, ha), attached the heart, and spelled 'be mine' out of rub-on letters I got at Wallmart, and the card is ready to go:)) So, who wants to BE MINE?:)
Here are 2 additional cards I made for our store. Will see how it will go with the sale:)))
This card was very complicated to finish. I glued all the gems to the paper using tweezers and I can tell you that I am not a patient person. All the gems putting to the right place was driving me crazy!!! I was on my knees couple times to look for dropped stones and was playing with it for a while to find the right position of each gem-stone but it was fun for sure:))) The blue flowery paper is from Martha Stewart and I also used the scrabble letters I bought in Michaels a while ago and now I find them ideal for this card.
For this card I used papers from Paper-Source company in Boston. This store is amazing and I always have to buy something there, even-though, it is little bit expensive. But, their stuff is amazing, especially the papers are gorgeous. It is really hard to resist and not to get at least one thing int that store!!! The three wooden hearts are from a cute little gift shop in the center of Bratislava. So what do you think about my new Valentine's day addition?:)
This card was very complicated to finish. I glued all the gems to the paper using tweezers and I can tell you that I am not a patient person. All the gems putting to the right place was driving me crazy!!! I was on my knees couple times to look for dropped stones and was playing with it for a while to find the right position of each gem-stone but it was fun for sure:))) The blue flowery paper is from Martha Stewart and I also used the scrabble letters I bought in Michaels a while ago and now I find them ideal for this card.
For this card I used papers from Paper-Source company in Boston. This store is amazing and I always have to buy something there, even-though, it is little bit expensive. But, their stuff is amazing, especially the papers are gorgeous. It is really hard to resist and not to get at least one thing int that store!!! The three wooden hearts are from a cute little gift shop in the center of Bratislava. So what do you think about my new Valentine's day addition?:)