This is where we spent our short 'honeymoon'. 2days in Berlin, one day in Paradise Island (water park in an old zeppelin hangar), and 2 days in Prague - a lot of driving, not really relaxing but a lot of sightseeing. Here are couple shots from 'B' town...
A beautiful surprise was expecting me in the mail box today - a gorgeous Christmas card from Chrissy -my giveaway winner. Thank you soooo much Chrissy!
This is very 'makove', a lot of poppy is involved. I love poppy and I am glad that so many traditional Slovak sweet dishes are made with it. This one is called poppy 'cup' cake -> regular tea or coffee cup is used instead of metric measurements, that's where the name comes from. Probably nothing new in US as they are used to 'cups' measuring anyways.
Here is the recipe:
2 cups of 'polohruba' flour (semi-coarse flour)
1 cup of granulated sugar (I use only half cup of brown sugar)
2 cup of whole poppy seeds
7 eggs
1/2 pack of conditioner dough
Make snow out of 7 egg whites. Mix well sugar, 6 egg yolks, and 6 big spoons of warm water with a mixer, slowly add 2 cups of flour, conditioner dough, poppy. Add the mixed egg whites. Heat up the oven up to 200 degrees. Spread everything on a greasy pan and bake on 170 degrees for a while until the dough does not stick to the toothpick:).
1 egg yolk
1 cup granulated sugar (I use only half cup of brown sugar)
1 zlaty klas (slovak corn starch)
400ml of cold milk
Mix everything together and boil in a pot creating a thick mash. Leave it to cool down, mix it from time to time. If the cake is thick enough you can cut it in half and put the filling in between, if not just add it to the top.
The icing:
1/2 pack of conditioner dough
Make snow out of 7 egg whites. Mix well sugar, 6 egg yolks, and 6 big spoons of warm water with a mixer, slowly add 2 cups of flour, conditioner dough, poppy. Add the mixed egg whites. Heat up the oven up to 200 degrees. Spread everything on a greasy pan and bake on 170 degrees for a while until the dough does not stick to the toothpick:).
1 egg yolk
1 cup granulated sugar (I use only half cup of brown sugar)
1 zlaty klas (slovak corn starch)
400ml of cold milk
Mix everything together and boil in a pot creating a thick mash. Leave it to cool down, mix it from time to time. If the cake is thick enough you can cut it in half and put the filling in between, if not just add it to the top.
The icing:
chopped walnuts or almonds (as much as you want)
1/2 pack of vanilla sugar
10g of granulated sugar (I usually skip this sugar)
250 g of butter (I use only half, depends how thick you want to have the icing)
Dump everything in a sauce pan except the nuts and let it all melt. Let it cool down for a little bit getting a thicker sauce and spread it on the top of the cake. Sprinkle the nuts on the top and you can enjoy the poppyness!
1/2 pack of vanilla sugar
10g of granulated sugar (I usually skip this sugar)
250 g of butter (I use only half, depends how thick you want to have the icing)
Dump everything in a sauce pan except the nuts and let it all melt. Let it cool down for a little bit getting a thicker sauce and spread it on the top of the cake. Sprinkle the nuts on the top and you can enjoy the poppyness!
Here is my 2nd quick design for Christmas. I just love my Fiscars circle punch, very useful tool to have:)
My first of many this season and if anybody wonders why I have December 24th on my card, I can ensure you it's not a mistake. Here, we get presents one day earlier!!!
wooden ornaments from retif, card and dotted paper by paper-source,
I had an idea and now I am planning to make enchanted forest on our fireplace mantel. I picked two deers already that I am gonna get my hands on Saturday and I saved these little mushroom candles that we got for our stores a while ago. I also got 3 big mushroom candles somewhere as well, I just have to find them:) I will take you through the project on weekend. See you soon!
mushroom candles by curel
I am really fascinated how this video is made. Make some Calendars and gift tags... perfect Christmas present for your friends by little brown pen.
When the Christmas stars are blooming I know that x-mas is getting closer. Well, they started to bloom a while ago and I always forget to bring my camera with me to show you the beautiful view. But, this time I remembered. This is what we grow in our big green houses behind the city... can't forget to mention the Cyclamen flowers as well.
Little less festive food but always good... homemade pasta (bought in a store) with homemade tomato sauce and parmesan cheese. Dinner time and also my name day!!! Yes we celebrate our names here and also the St. Lucia's day. More info right here.
My advent 'wreath' for this season, the simplest project I've ever made... tray, 4 candles and couple balls... mix it well and voala... you have a decent Christmas decoration for the table. Happy 2nd Advent! Don't forget to light up the 2nd candle...
candles*had them for a while, so, the source is quite unknown, mini glass balls & wooden tray from retif, the green ornate balls by triflora decorations
I am reporting big progress in preparations. All the Christmas lights and all the decoration is out and hanging outside or inside... or sitting on the table, ground, wall... you know. Now onto baking something yummy or at least visually good looking on the plate:)
very old star lamp from ikea but the best
I hate spam. And because, I subscribe to a lot of newsletters that I think are useful for me (usually craft and photography), I get quite a number of spam on my email that is unuseful. But this time I found something that I can live with and I might pick one style for Christmas table setting:) If you're looking for nice napkin folds here u go.

picture by
It was in November, so, a while ago. My mom's. And, I forgot all about the card I made. Silly me! I guess I have to much in my head. You know, just important stuff. Like my mom always says... "just saw dust"... in my head. It sounds better in Slovak though... 'piliny'. Happy Birthday again mom, I luv ya!!!
dollie from Michaels; ribbon (I'm crazy about ribbons nowadays), hearts, silver 'pipe cleaner' - all from retif;blank card*paper-source
Monday was a special day when the kids clean their boots and put them in the window waiting to be filled with candy. Instead of chocolate though St. Nicholas was giving away flower brooch in a box, in a upcycled box. For my mom... | Pondelok chodil Mikuláš. Miesto čokolády však do čižmy schoval textilnú brošničku v krabičke, v recyklovanej krabičke. Pre moju mamu...
organza from retif, glass beats from daVinci, black tulle netting - found treasure in our basement, jacket*jake's by peek&cloppenburg
We did a little photo shooting together, Sophia & me, and we enjoyed it. Well, to the end we were little bit cranky and tired but the posing by the model was done professionally:) I just wished my lens would work properly and focus little bit better but I guess it's time for a new one!