... feathers... or rather turquoise colored feathers from Filip... an Ara parrot. That color is perfect for something unique. So, I made another hair piece with little bit of hot glue and couple lost feathers. I call it recycling.No animal (Ara) was harmed in the process... Fillip gave up all his feathers voluntarily:)
Modré alebo lepšie povedané tyrkysovo-modré pierka z papagája Ara. Táto unikátna farba až núti vytvoriť niečo neobvyklé. Takže som vytvorila dalšiu ozdobu do vlasov s trochou lepu a darovaných pierok od Filipa. Upozorňujem, že žiadne zvieracie práva neboli porušené:)
You never know what you will get! I just love this quote from Forest Gump movie just because it's so true. This box was a reward for a card I made for one of my friends. It's metal and it's the most beautiful tin box I ever saw. The chocolate was good too but the tin BOX... that's another story. My friends knows me very well. Život je ako čokoládova bonboniéra, nikdy nevieš čo dostaneš. Milujem tento viac než pravdivý výrok z filmu Forest Gump. Ako dôkaz je aj táto prekrásna plechová krabička od Radky ako odmena za kartu. Čokoláda v nej je dobrá ale tá KRABIČKA... tak to už je iný príbeh. Moji kamaráti poznajú moje chute:)
I made a hair clip either for special occasion like wedding or for any occasions like fashion show at home for little trendy girls. You pick! Navrhla som kvetinovú ozdobu do vlasov pre špecialnú príležitosť ako svadba alebo pre malé dievčatká ktoré sa radi fintia.
french white net, artificial flower from china, 'diamond' pin & feathers by curel
Well, not really but at least they look like they are. When I saw this ribbon ring I couldn't resist and I don't even wear rings. And together with the ribbon earrings they make a set! Vyzeraju starožitné a nadčasové zároveň. Nemohla som odolat tomuto prsteňu a to ani nenosím prstene. Spolu s mašličkovými náušnicami tvoria jeden perfektný set.
.. the card and the weather as well. Minimalistic project using very few items. That's the way I like it! Je slnečno... na pohľadnici a tiež celý deň. Minimalistický projekt v ktorom je použite len veľmi málo vecí. Tak to mám rada!
felt flower from retif, vintage pearls, mustard-yellow card from paper-source
This gift wrapping was my favorite everThe person the present was ment for didn't even wanted to open it because of ruining the wrapping. Toto darčekove balenie zo starožitným nádychom bolo moje najoblúbenejšie. Osôbka pre ktorú bol tento darček ho nechcela ani rozbalit aby neporušila obal.
Ok, I'm not gonna lie. I was crazy when I was making this card. Nobody normal spend time creating a name out of little paper dots with the help of tweezers/Ok, nebudem klamať. Bola som asi blázon ked' som si vymyslela tento dizajn. Nik normálný nestrávy tolko času lepením malých papierových bodiek pinzetou.
I really didn't know how to wrap these little shoes and besides they are too cute to be hidden in a wrap anyways. So, I put them on the top of another present, a book that is wrapped in a pretty ladybug paper/Naozaj som nemala predstavu ako zabaliť tieto rozkošne topánočky a len tak mimochodom je ich aj škoda baliť. Tak som sa rozhodlal ich pribaliť na vrch dalšieho darčeka, knižky zabalenú v samých lienkach.
Make some love cards with Gocco! This is definitely an interesting little tool showing in this video. My only concern is the chemical part to it. Might be a downfall:( However, I probably found a better version that might be more creative and maybe more safe... the judu machine - screen printing system. So cool!
The best lens ever. The best lens I ever had. Well, I didn't have that many before but this one is the best so far. And the pictures are sharp again. The universe is back to normal! My universe. Life is great! Thank you Darren, Manda, and Paul.