Kicking of the 4th of July with a little DIY - a very simple paper star wreath. Bringing some red, white, and blue to our front door. It was even easier as our front door already has a 'little' bit of red. I hanged the wreath on a ribbon to add little bit of blue and done. Now the house decoration is done, we are ready to leave for some fun and festivities at the nearby lake. I really can't wait for the fireworks. Happy 4th of July! | Tu v Štátoch sa oslavuje Deň Nezávistlosti - 4th of July a oslavuje sa celý víkend. A tiež všetko hraje v troch hlavných farbách - v červenej, bielej a modrej. A tak som si pripravila malý tutoriál ako si spraviť jednoduchý veniec na dvere. A kedže naše červené dvere poskytujú perfetné pozadie, už trebalo len trochu bielo-modrej.
I had to made one of these again. Even though the diaper cake is little bit pain in the butt to make it, is fun after all to put it all together. And, the feeling is even better when I see the smile on the parents faces receiving the cake with a little surprise inside (I always hide a bottle of wine in the middle) that probably will make them even more happy later on. To another fun project and to the baby Bryce! Salut! Znovu som musela výrabať jeden s týchto skvostov. I ked' výroba plienkovej torty je vždy trošku náročná, nakoniec to vždy dopadne celkom dobre a vytešujem sa z výsledku. A ten pocit sa ešte znásobí ked' vidím úsmevy rodičov a určite tá radosť je oveľa väčšia ked' ten 'koláč' postupne rozbalia (do stredu vždy dávam fľašu vína). Takže, tu je na další zábavný projekt a na bábätko Bryce! Na zdravie!
Heart clips in blue and purple. Working on my shoe clips business again. And maybe a new packaging, not final product at this moment. This is work in progress people. I am open to suggestions | Srdiečkové klipsy v modrej a purpurovej. Začala som znovu pracovať na mojich klipsoch na topánky. A možno aj na novom balení, ale je to len návrh ktorý je v procese výroby, ľudkovia. Ale som otvorená hocijakým návrhom.