13 notes on St. Lucia's Day

December 13, 2008

We are celebrating the St.Lucia's day today and also my name day as we celebrate our names here in Slovakia. I love this tradition just because there is another good reason to get presents in the year, he-he. But, St. Lucia's day is also a day for many different prophecies, it brings also many traditions, and many people still today use rituals that were common in the times when people believed in witchcraft. I can't decide which legend I should believe more - either that St. Lucia was a witch or she was the patron saint of light with beautiful eyes. I am going for beauty-eye:))). If you want to know more about our St. Lucia traditions  just click here for more interesting, little bit weird, and scary details:)))

Here is a video of typical traditions in Slovakia. On this day, three crosses were made with garlic - first on the door, second on the forehead, and the third on the chest. The girls dressed in white, covering their faces, walked through the village in pairs. One girl had a brush and the other one a goose feather. When they reached a house, without a word, they dusted the furniture, swept the corners and the stove. This was the way how to cast away bad powers and kept away bad luck for the whole year.

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