two rivers.
July 09, 2011The last place we had the chance to visit during the Open Studio Weekend was a print making studio right in White River Junction. Two Rivers Printmaking Studio supports working artists in their
exploration of both traditional and experimental printmaking. Through workshops, lectures
and exhibits, they encourage interest in the art and history of the fine arts print. They are open
for the general public as well as for artists.
Posledné miesto ktoré sme stihli navštíviť počas Víkendu Otvorených Ateliérov bolo Two River Printmaking Studio vo White River Junction. V preklade tlačiarenské štúdio 2 riek podporuje umelcov v ich objave tradičnej a experimentálnej grafiky. Pomocou kurzov, prednášok a výstav podporujú a povzbudzujú záujem o umenie a históriu umeleckej grafiky a tlače. Svoje priestory otváraju tak ako umelcom tak tiež pre širokú verejnosť.