oh holly night, stille nacht, tichá noc, & so on...
November 27, 2008
Christmas is almost here and I didn't start with the Christmas cards yet!!! Well, I got one but that won't help me out of the misery, I guess. Yesterday, I made a list of people who I can't forget and found out that I have to send at least 10 cards... and what I got is only ONE ... one card won't save me so let's move it little missy! Here is the number ONE card, enjoy...

Snowman in Christmas colors, simple and cute as a button:)
and, I am joining a challenge. To be more specific, it's an Arty Girlz Weekly Challenge #62 and the theme is - your favorite colors. Mine is green, red, and gold. And yours?
Snowman in Christmas colors, simple and cute as a button:)