farmers market.
August 25, 2012
Trip to Raleigh farmers market was a blast! We bought a couple of great looking and smelling Carolina peaches, cherry tomatoes in different colors and shapes, sweet blackberries and homemade spice mix for whatever. I love farmers markets! Oh, and Mr.D had to try out the local bake goods and of course we ended up stuffing our bellies with homemade cookies. Life is wonderful! | Výlet na miestny farmársky trh tu v Raleigh bol na nezaplatenie! Nakúpili sme krásne vyzerajúce a voňajúce Karolínske broskyne, cherry paradajky v rôznych farbách a tvarov, sladké čučoriedky a domáci mix korenín využitelný na hocičo. Milujem farmárske trhy! Oh, a Mr.D musel ochutnať miestne pečené dobroty a samozrejme sme si napchali bruchá domácimi cookies. Život je krásny!