advent calendar.

December 26, 2011

I hope you enjoyed your Christmas and Santa brought you a ton of presents. This was my first Christmas in the US little bit nontraditional staying with the family in Florida. Instead of winter we were lying in the hot sun, instead of snow fight we played golf, instead of traditional "Princess with the gold star" movie we watched Bruce Willis in "Die Hard". Like Mr. D says it is a traditional Christmas movie. At least I kept one of our traditions and prepared for St. Nicholas day.  I had one idea that was inspired by this freebie and I managed to transfer the idea into an Advent calendar  stuffed with a sweet surprise in every paper gem box. It was a tough project with all the cutting, folding, gluing, stuffing, and hanging the long chain of 24 paper 'gems'. But, definitely worth all that hustle. | Dúfam, že ste si vychutnali Vianoce a všetky tie skvelé darčeky od Deda Mráza. Ja som strávila moje prvé Vianoce troška netradične na Floride s mojou "vyženenou" rodinou. Namiesto zimy sme sa piekli pekne na slniečku, namiesto guľovačky sme hrali golf, a namiesto tradičnej "Princezny so zlatou hviezdou" sme pozerali na Brucea Willisa v "Die Hard". Ved' ako tvrdí Mr. D. je to predsa tradičný Vianočný film. Ešte, že som sa držala aspoň jednej tradície a plne sa pripravila na Mikuláša.  Bola som inšpirovaný touto 3D-girlandou a inšpirácia sa mi podaril preniesť do podoby Adventného kalendára naprataného čokoládou. Bol to sakramntský tažký projekt so všetkým tým strihaním, skladaním, lepením, plnením, a vešaním 24 papierových 'drahokamov'. Ale všetko to utrpenie stálo za to.

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