tequilla sunrise.

November 09, 2011

I had this projects saved here for a while and wasn't really ready to post it as it still isn't really finished. Ladies and gentlemen we are serving alcohol! Well, I guess it's ok as it is en empty bottle anyways. I saved this Tequila bottle from our wedding for good reason... to make something useful out of it as it's beautifully crafted glass. I was thinking about a lamp project. Now, I just need to drill a whole to the bottom and wired it up. Or make it more simple and just stuck a candle in it. I will let you know later how this will end. For now, here are some pictures how it might look. | Tento projekt som tu mala uložený už nejaký čas kedže ešte nieje dotiahnutý úspešne do konca. Dámy a páni, podáva sa alkohol! Tequilová flaša zo svadby dopitá, a tak som si ju odložila kedže mi bolo ľúto vyhodiť krásne vypracované sklo.  Rozmýšlala som, čo z nej užitočné vyrobiť... napríklad takú lampu. Už treba len vyvr'tať do spodu dierku a natiahnúť dráty. Alebo si to zjednodušiť... napichnúť sviečku a použiť lampu ako svietnik. Dám vedieť ako to skončí. Tu je pár fotiek ako by to asi mohlo vyzerať.

 empty bottle from tequila. chandalier from Ikea.

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