new apartment {challenge}... living room.
November 05, 2011
As I mentioned before... we moved and now we need to fill up the
empty rooms in our new apartment. I'm starting a new 'how to furnish our
new apartment' project. Our new
living room is an empty space and we have to fill it with some furniture. We
fell in love with the Lancaster sofa... the most comfortable, softest
couch on
earth that looks just amazing in cocoa leaher. What do you think about my
concept? | Takže ako som spomínala...
sme sa presťahovali a potrebujeme trošku zaplniť náš priestor. Začínam s
novou 'ako zariadiť apartmán' výzvou. Naša obývačka zýva práznotou a
potrebujeme ju zútulniť. Zamilovali sme si Lancaster sofa...
najpohodlnejší, najmäkší gauč na svete ktorý vypadá neskutočne dobre v čokoládovo hnedej. Čo
poviete na môj koncept?