ulric collette.

September 27, 2011

I am so trying this with my family... such a great idea! The photographer Ulric Collette in his project called 'the Genetic Portraits' turns two relatives into one person. Admire his work and read more about him right here. Guess, which half is Ulric...
Tak toto musím vyskúšať s mojou rodinou... neskutočne originálny nápad! Vo svojom projekte 'Genetické portréty' fotograf Ulric Collete premieňa dvoch príbuzných v jedného.  Obdivujte a čítajte viac priamo tu. Uhádnite ktorá polovička je Ulric... 


Stop by on Saturday - I'm having a GIVEAWAY!!!
Nezabudnite v sobotu na SÚŤAŽ! Bude aj super cena!!!


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