red & white swirl.

June 12, 2011

I was admiring them. I searched for them and couldn't find. I was desperate. Well, let's not exaggerate... I was little bit sad. But recently, I found them! I wanted them so badly that I run into them by an accident. Now, they are mine... red & white paper straws. You might think I am getting little bit crazy over couple straws but trust me these things are neat party item. Little bit different to drink out of them but definitely looking stylish in an ice-cold cup of infused water with strawberries.

Obdivovala som ich. Trpezlivo hľadala a nič. Bola som zúfalá. No, netreba prehánať... bola som trošku smutná. Až doteraz. Tak som po nich túžila až som ich našla, náhodou. Teraz sú len moje... bielo-červene papierové slamky. Asi si myslíte, že to trochu prehánam kvôli páru slamiek ale verte mi, tieto určite pridajú na efekte pri každej párty. Piť z nich je trocha iné ale určite pridajú šmrnc poháru ľadovej jahodami ochutenej vody.

I played little bit with the Lightroom today and added couple touches and rounded edges. I like those on my paper cards so why don't add them to my pics as well...

Trošku som sa dnes pohrala v Lightroome a pridala som niekoľko svetelných tónov a zaokrúhlila okraje. Obľubujem ich na mojich pohľadniciach tak prečo nie aj na fotkách...


My deepest apologies but I completely forgot to tell you the name of the winner of the paper-source giveaway. No pictures from the drawing but trust me I had couple eyes watching me closely like my husband and couple of our friends. So here it comes... the winner is...

         ======================================  LUCIA  ========================

Congrats to the winner and thank you for following guys:)

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