little girl.

June 14, 2011

Another photo-date, this time with a deep blue eyed fairy. I took couple pictures of her mom as well, but that's for another post. I probably should've post couple colored pictures before these to show how really blue her eyes are:) Anyways, it was fun to participate in this photo-shooting because Eva, that's the little girl's name, is a professional...

Mala som dalšie fotografické rande, tentoraz s modrookou vílou. Nafotila som aj jej mamu ale o tom neskôr. Mala som asi najprv postnuť farebné fotky aby ste videli tie hlboké modré studničky. Ale ved času dosť aj zajtra. Fotenie šlo ako po masle, kedže Evka, ako sa mala slečna volá, je dokonalý profesionál...
...posing very sweetly, still little sleepy from the nap...pózovala velmi rozkošne ešte mierne rozospatá...

... and being very patient with me while taking tons of shots... trpezlivo čakala pokiaľ doklikám...
 ... watching carefully what I am doing... pozorne sledovala každý môj krok...
 ... smiling on a command... usmievala sa na pokyn...
 ... and smiling again spontaneously... alebo len spontánne...
 ... time to be more serious... samozrejme bol čas aj na serióznosť...
 ... and having snack of course... a nejaký ten mls...
 ... being model can be exhausting... ved' byť modelkou je náročné...

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