
May 05, 2011

I don't want to brag about it again but I love our wedding pictures and now even more. We put them into a book to give it to our families and they look just amazing!!! iPhoto has this great application for creating and designing your own books, cards, and much more and the print quality is just terrific!!!  I also put little love poem into the book that goes through out the pages. Here it goes and don't call me cheesy...

When tears never fall, and birds never fly.
Winter never ends, and children never cry.
When the nights are not dark, and the days are not light.
When forever does finally end, and the eyes have no sight.
When ears cannot hear, and the grass never grows.
When silence is too loud, and the genius never knows.
When strength doesn't strengthen, and flowers never bloom.
When hearts can't be broken, and eternity is too soon.
When the wind never blows, and the rain is never wet.
When thunder can't be heard, and the sun refuses to set.
When angels don't protect, and a fact is not true.
When life can't be lived, and the sky is not blue.
When the truth is a lie, and the fake becomes so real.
The clock shows no time, and wounds never heal.
When enjoyment isn't fun, and bells cannot ring.
When a race cannot be won, and a singer cannot sing.
When pain does not hurt, and enemies never fight.
When rainbows have no color, and something wrong seems so right.
When all these things finally happen,
when they finally come true.
That's when I, without a doubt, will stop loving you.

-anonymous author- 

Nechcem zase otravovať o tom ako som nadšená z našich svadobných fotiek ale teraz som nadšená ešte viac. Konečne sme vybrali tie najlepšie a dali vytlačit knihu pre naše rodiny a je proste skvelá. iPhoto ma super aplikáciu v ktorej si možte navrhnúť vlastné knihy, pohľadnice, a ešte viac a tá kvalita tlače je úžasná. Pridala som k tomu aj jednu romantikuš básničku nech to je komplet ale bohužial je len v angličtine. Tu je aspoň 'zopár' stránok na nahliadnutie...

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