sorry, no chocolate.

September 10, 2010

And, here they are... my invitations! Now, when everybody has their own I can show you what I spent so much time with. They are made from recycled paper (by paper-source), wrapped in floristic fabric, and nested in a box (by paper-source). The boxes  were the first thing I bought when I was thinking about my wed invitations. Everybody who was getting it in person was asking me if there is a chocolate inside! Sorry guys, just paper and couple plastic beats:-) Even my uncle was teasing me if I'm bringing a bomb, hehe. Making the invitation was a big process... a lot of frustration was in the game and a lot of paper was thrown away (recycled). But, on the end I think that it was worth all of the work and time I spent on it.

Tak toto sú naše svadobné pozvánky. Teraz Vám ich konečne možem ukázať kedže každý pozvaný obdržal tú svoju. Sú vyrobené z recyklovaného papiera (paper-source a farber-castle), zabalené vo floristickej textílii a pekne uložené v krabičke tiez od paper source. Základ bol krabička, zvyšok prišiel postupne. Každý kto dostal pozvánku osobne sa vypytoval či je to čokoláda! Ale bohužial bol to len papier a pár plastových perličiek. Dokonca moj strýko ma naťahoval či mu nesiem bombu. Vytvotiť každú pozvánku ručne bol boj... stálo ma to veľa nervov a veľa papieru bolo skonzumovaného (recyklovaného), ale na druhej strane to všetko stálo za to vytvoriť niečo originálneho.

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