death by chocolate.
November 03, 2013
That was the theme of our Halloween lunch at work and death it was. I don't want to see chocolate at least for a month, ok maybe I just need couple days and I can taste it again. But, besides the overwhelming desert menu this was an tasty and impressive event. Just look at the culinary talent... / Smrť čokoládou. Téma pre náš obed na Halloweena v práci a smrť to teda bola. Čokoládu nechcem vidieť aspoň mesiac, no možno bude stačit len pár dní a bude mi znovu chutiť. Ale, okrem ohromujúcého množstva deyertov to bol chutný a impresívny 'pracovný' deň na Halloweena. Len sa pozrite na tie kulinárské talenty...