John & Keri.
December 27, 2012
We love our Squam lake and our Rockywold-Deephaven Camps even more. This is where Mr.D. and I met 10 years ago and this place will always have a special place in our heart. This is the place where we also met John at the same time and we had the honor to be guests at his wedding. Meet two great people... John and Keri. John is a proud owner of his own brewery squam-brewing and just to let you know about Keri's qualities... she made the beautiful wedding cake/Milujeme naše jazero Squam a náš Rockywold-Deephaven Camps ešte viac. Toto je miesto kde sme sa pred 10 rokmi Mr.D a ja stretli a miesto ktoré bude mať u nás vždy špeciálný význam. Tu sme tiež tom čase stretli Johna a samozrejme nám bolo cťou ked' sme boli pozvaní na jeho svadbu pri jazere Squam samozrejme. Zoznámte sa s Keri a Johnom, z dvoma najlepšími ľudmi. John je hrdý majitel pivovaru squam-brewing a Keri tiež nezaostáva v kreativite... nádherná svadobná torta je jej príspevok.