you are invited.
November 07, 2012
Yes, we had a little scary party and yes I went above and beyond with the decorations. But, hey... I had to... it was my first truly Halloween party on the American grounds and we were hosting it. Mr. D's exact words were "you are crazy but that's why I love you" while I was hanging cobwebs all over the apartment and splattering fake blood all over our bathtub. I guess I can take that as a compliment:)) I'll show you the whole set-up later. For now, you can read the spooky invite. Spooky enough?
'ste pozvaný'... Áno, mali sme malú strašidelnú párty a áno, trošku som sa do toho viac vžila, teda čo sa dekorácie týka. Ale musela som... ved' to bola moja prvá originál Halloween párty na Americkom kontinente a navyše sme boli aj hostitelia. Mr.D-ho presné slová boli "si blázon ale preto ta tak milujem" zakiaľ som vešala pavučiny a liala na našu vaňu umelú krv. Predpokladám, že to môžem brať ako kompliment. Celý projekt Vám ukážem neskôr. Na teraz, si môžete prečítať strašidelnú pozvánku. Čo myslíte, je dostatočne strašidelná?
editable invitation from AndersRuffCustomDesign