another award and some cool stuff!
March 04, 2009
I recieved an award from Elizabeth! She is my friend over at Busymitts site and makes beautiful bridal creations. I found her creations just adorable! So, now I have to thing about 6 random things about myself and pass on the award to the next 6.
Here are 6 random things about myself:
1. I am obsessed with frogs! I love everything what is connected with this cute little creature:) I even kidnapped them and take pictures but I always let them go after I have enough pics, haha.
2.I am a big fan of Martha Stewart. Many people might disagree but I think that this lady is a genius:) Her stuff is just awesome!
3.I watch animal planet whenever I can, especially RSPS. I always cry when I see this poor animals and could kill the owners for letting the creatures suffering.
4.I am very lazy person. Darren could tell you more about that:)
5.I carry my camera everywhere and I take tons of pictures. My friends are crazy about it and are really surprised If I do not bring the camera sometimes (I am surprised too - probably it didn't fit into my tiny purse:) My mother complaints when I show her my pictures from different trips and I am not even on one of them;)
6.I am crazy when it comes to art! I can just spend hours and hours in galleries and drive Darren crazy, he-he.
Proximidade is described as follows:
'This blog invests and believes in PROXIMITY -
nearness in space, time and relationships. These
blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind
bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are
not interested in prizes for self-aggrandizement!
Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes
are cut, even more friendships are propagated.
Please give more attention to these writers!'
This blog award should be sent to your favorite
six bloggers and they, in turn should forward
to eight of their favorites. You should include the
text for Proximidade (above) in your announcement
Here are the rules of this tag:
- link to the person who tagged you,
- post the rules on your blog,
- write six random things about yourself,
- tag six people at the end of your post and
link to them, - let each person know they've been tagged.
I'm looking forward to read more about you guys:)
And, I wanted to show you a picture of goodies I won in last couple months. Something from Fiskars over at Fiskarettes in Great Britain - I love Fiskars stuff and I was so exited to received the eyelets and a craft mat. The eyelets have different shapes - little x-mas trees, little animal shapes, and much more. So cute and so cool! I can't wait to use it for my card projects, especially the Christmas accents but I guess I have to wait for that a while:) I also won 4 great stamps and 2 collage sheets (not in the picture) from InkaStamps. And last but not least, I also received a great snowman stamp from Jennie at TheArtisticStamper. Thank you ladies for all the lovely things! I will use it all well I promise:)
Have a great rest of the day, the weekend is getting closer!!!